Sunday, April 17, 2016

Labs, Doctor and training...

As I hinted before, I was going to the doctor last Friday. I had labs drawn a week before and so I knew that my blood levels were significantly better then a year ago. My AC1 which measure diabetes was 8.5 last year, full blown diabetes. This year it was 5.7, only a point away for normal and so I was minimally pre diabetic. My blood sugar went from 200 to 90. My triglycerides went from over 200 to 98. My cholesterol was better , although good cholesterol is still low. My liver enzymes are normal now. So overall improvement.

Bottom line, my doctor was pleased not only with weight loss but with the overall improvement in blood work. He took off one of my blood pressure medications, by he way that has gone down too. And cut my diabetic medications in half. Why not cut them off completely? I was wondering that e same thing, but with my history of yo young on weight loss, he thought it be best to see how I am six months from now. I can deal with that because , like I told him , this time I am not going back to the old lifestyle.  See if I try eating the wrong foods now, my body does not react well to it so I know what I have done. That never happened before.

So yesterday, 4/16/16 I  started my trading for NYC marathon with the blessing form you doctor too. I did 3.64 miles and today I did 4.12 miles at a 15:13 pace. Pretty good for just starting off. I plan to used Jeff Galloway's setup,until FIT starts again in May , I am returning as an assistant coach to the Ft Lauderdale group. I am looking forward to it.

Well enough of the technical stuff, hopefully next blog installments will be more philosophical and introspective. I look forward to sharing my journey with you. Stay tuned, I will write again at least weekly. Enjoy and smile....

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