Monday, December 31, 2012

Seven months and counting....

Can you believe it is over 7 months that I have written any thing on the blog. Not that I have been too busy or had nothing to say, it is just that I got out of habit in taking time to write. As I was driving to a friend's yesterday I found myself thinking of the past year and thought to myself , wow I really haven't done much. Not that it made me sad but I thought I could have done more with the time God gave me . I said to myself ok , there is always next year. That is until I got to my friend's and shared with him my thoughts , of how I felt that I had failed somehow. He quickly reminded me on the few things I had shared with him. I continued my activities at church. I was back up for this very cool group , and even traveled to Atlanta as part of the ministry. I served as altar server and lector for all the home Dolphin Masses . I made hundreds of Dolphin rosaries. Thanks to my friend, Barb, I incorporated a non profit corporation called Prayer Warrior Rosaries. I got to spend my 55th birthday with my mom at Disney and I truly feel that I am closer to God.

Not to shabby for someone that thought he was short for this year. This night always causes me apprehension for some reason. Guess it goes back to me not liking change. Well the night will pass and morrow you can expect my thoughts on 2013. Well God willing. Happy Old Year!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

STAND UP....or stay seatted.....

I can't believe that it has been over two months since I wrote on here.  It is not that I have nothing to say, because you know me I always have something to say,  That is one of the things I am working on , keeping my mouth shut more often then not.

I little update on my last blog, I did start battling my demons, one being of my bad eating habits and I am happy to say that I at the present am winning that battle.  I have started to lose weight, the exciting thing is that it is enough that people are starting to notice.  In other areas I am also doing better, and I really have to say that it is because of a deeper prayer life, examining my conscious more frequently, and having a greater reliance and trust that God really is in control.

Day to day I walk ,sometimes forward , a few times it seems backwards.  The important thing is that I stand up and act on my belief.  Guess that is what I am learning these days. We all have choices, we can act and do something or we can just stay sitting down.  We can stand and possibly rock the boat or we can sit out of fear or apathy and do nothing.  Really we can all apply this in our lives.  You just have to look inside and see where you are at.  I try to do this daily and then from that point I can take action.

I saw a movie called "For Greater Glory", made me think what would I do, how far would I go to stand up for what I believed in my heart to be true.  I hope I am never put to the test but I pray that if I am that I might stand up not fearing any of the consequences.

I am revisiting some earlier goals.  I continue to write my book although it seems to be evolving into a different story; but isn't that how life is anyways.  I continue to deepen my relationship with God, I feel that He leads me into deeper waters where I will have stay focused on Him.  Again, I feel that I am reaching crossroads where I will have to choose between different paths.  Although exciting, as you know, don't handle change so well at times.

I know I have not said much of anything today.  To you who reads this, I can tell you that you are in my thoughts and in my prayers.  You are in my life for a reason, and I thank God for that.  As I continue on, I hope that you will share in my adventure and excitement for the journey.

And as I have ended these blogs, many time before.  Buen Camino.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

We all can learn from the Ressurection..."

Jesus Christ is Risen!!!!  Boy, am I glad that this Lent is over with.  It has been a difficult time because in my penitential observes, I gave up the Internet, mass media and all types of meat.  The Internet although hard at first, led me to realize that I , myself , am too dependent on it. I learned that I could just call someone if I needed to know or communicate something , or even text them and get an immediate response. Although, I was not aware who won the Oscars, or who is on Dancing with the Stars, or even following American Idol, I still survived. When it was raining I knew to carry an umbrella, and if windy a wind breaker jacket.  I appreciated the ability of reading a book, and using my imagination to bring me into a pious person's life or carry myself to imaginary places. I continued to be reminded that to be a 'man', I had to let go and not try to control my life as much.  I was happier, because I was not watching the news, I did not worry if we were heading to another war, or if the economy was better or not.  I especially did not miss hearing about the politics and presidential races.

When it came to food, I had a difficult time.  I could not believe how much meat is in our everyday life.  Any time you go out, there is meat in all of our usual eating options.  Although, I was able to stay away from it, I realized that I substituted a lot more sweets  and carbohydrates for the lack of protein.  I learned that in myself, I have to be moderate in all things or else I can go overboard; even if I am doing a good thing.

When I try to control my life, I see at times how out of control my life is.  I tried battling my demons this lent, and although I am happy to say that some I battled and controlled,unfortunately. I realized how controlled I was by others.  I came to realize  that I am a food addict. Sweets, carbohydrates, all things that are bad for me, I have no control over.  So, I, now realizing this;can ,with the help of the Risen Savior conquer this too.  I have asked my friends and family to help me with this.  Do not offer me anything, even if you think it is healthy, that might tempt me and lead me astray.  As an alcoholic can not enter a bar, I now know that I can not enter a candy store.

This is not meant to be a depressing admission.  It is a liberating fact, when you know your weakness, accept it, that is when God can use you to make you a strong warrior. I am now, once again , armed and ready for battle. As I prayed this week, I thought of what if Jesus in His weakness had said no to the cross; we would be in a real pickle right now. So I say , yes to God and no to all that leads me away from His Will.

You know the Monday after the Resurrection must have been a real bad day for the devil.  After boosting for days on how he had won, he had to face his defeat.  I have heard it said that it is like a April Fool's Day for the devil, the joke and defeat are on him.

Celebrate this beautiful time with family , laughter and love.

Happy Easter!!!!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Here we are, entering it the beginning of the end?

This morning after quietly welcoming 2012, I went for a walk as I awaited the new dawn of the year, and then impatiently waited for the first sunrise of 2012.  I have been doing this since 2000 and so this was the 13th time that I awoke early and headed to the beach or to a field( where ever I am) to see the first dawn of the year. This year, again, it was spectacular. What a great way to contemplate the accomplishments and failures of the past year as I speedily walk for 4 to 6 miles.  I take time to see where I have accomplished my goals and where I might have fallen short.  This past year, 2011, was a great year.  I had growth in my personal life taking some great trips, in particular as I walked the last 97 miles of the way in Spain of St James.  Spiritually I grew also.  I realized that with God all things are possible as I helped plan and guide an Emmaus retreat in my parish. I came to be more understanding and compassionate to other's plight. In my training I lost a lot of weight, put some of it back, but I completed a full marathon and several half marathons, and even completed my first sprint duathlon.Professionally I kept my job , and am relatively happy at it. What failings did I face?  All dealt with times when I thought I could do it on my own.  When I forgot that I was a creature and thought of myself more a creator.  When I shied away from my total dependence on God.

So what to expect in 2012? What goals or even resolutions have I laid out? They are relatively simple.  I want to be a more patient person. I want to be a more giving person. I want to live my vocation in life to the best of my abilities. I will explore how to train and become a spiritual director or adviser. I will lose the weight that I have put back on, how am I going to do it?  To finally admit that I have an addiction to food, and treat it as that and work with that fact. I have once again joined the 100 day challenge, through John Bingham's Facebook page, and have comitted to being at least 30 minutes physically active for 100 consecutive days, and possibly continue from there to an even longer period. I will train, but not as rigid a schedule as I have done in the past.  I will enjoy the process instead of just looking at the end result.  I want to do the New York Marathon. I will perfect my swimming and become better at completing triathlons not just duathlons.I will improve my relationship with my God and in the process improve my other relationships in my life.I will laugh more and stress less.

I am committed to this this year.  I would hope that others as they read this will also committed to strive to better themselves this year.  If you need an accountability partner or someone to support you, let me know. I wish the best life has got to offer.  This year don't let the hype of the world coming to an end distract you. Live your life as if it really is, enjoy it, and live it the fullest.  If it does end then you will have no regrets. And as I am sure it will not end as predicted then you can awake and see the first sunrise of 2013 contemplating your successes and all the adventures that you lived in 2012.

Again, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!