Sunday, April 8, 2012

We all can learn from the Ressurection..."

Jesus Christ is Risen!!!!  Boy, am I glad that this Lent is over with.  It has been a difficult time because in my penitential observes, I gave up the Internet, mass media and all types of meat.  The Internet although hard at first, led me to realize that I , myself , am too dependent on it. I learned that I could just call someone if I needed to know or communicate something , or even text them and get an immediate response. Although, I was not aware who won the Oscars, or who is on Dancing with the Stars, or even following American Idol, I still survived. When it was raining I knew to carry an umbrella, and if windy a wind breaker jacket.  I appreciated the ability of reading a book, and using my imagination to bring me into a pious person's life or carry myself to imaginary places. I continued to be reminded that to be a 'man', I had to let go and not try to control my life as much.  I was happier, because I was not watching the news, I did not worry if we were heading to another war, or if the economy was better or not.  I especially did not miss hearing about the politics and presidential races.

When it came to food, I had a difficult time.  I could not believe how much meat is in our everyday life.  Any time you go out, there is meat in all of our usual eating options.  Although, I was able to stay away from it, I realized that I substituted a lot more sweets  and carbohydrates for the lack of protein.  I learned that in myself, I have to be moderate in all things or else I can go overboard; even if I am doing a good thing.

When I try to control my life, I see at times how out of control my life is.  I tried battling my demons this lent, and although I am happy to say that some I battled and controlled,unfortunately. I realized how controlled I was by others.  I came to realize  that I am a food addict. Sweets, carbohydrates, all things that are bad for me, I have no control over.  So, I, now realizing this;can ,with the help of the Risen Savior conquer this too.  I have asked my friends and family to help me with this.  Do not offer me anything, even if you think it is healthy, that might tempt me and lead me astray.  As an alcoholic can not enter a bar, I now know that I can not enter a candy store.

This is not meant to be a depressing admission.  It is a liberating fact, when you know your weakness, accept it, that is when God can use you to make you a strong warrior. I am now, once again , armed and ready for battle. As I prayed this week, I thought of what if Jesus in His weakness had said no to the cross; we would be in a real pickle right now. So I say , yes to God and no to all that leads me away from His Will.

You know the Monday after the Resurrection must have been a real bad day for the devil.  After boosting for days on how he had won, he had to face his defeat.  I have heard it said that it is like a April Fool's Day for the devil, the joke and defeat are on him.

Celebrate this beautiful time with family , laughter and love.

Happy Easter!!!!!