Sunday, June 17, 2012

STAND UP....or stay seatted.....

I can't believe that it has been over two months since I wrote on here.  It is not that I have nothing to say, because you know me I always have something to say,  That is one of the things I am working on , keeping my mouth shut more often then not.

I little update on my last blog, I did start battling my demons, one being of my bad eating habits and I am happy to say that I at the present am winning that battle.  I have started to lose weight, the exciting thing is that it is enough that people are starting to notice.  In other areas I am also doing better, and I really have to say that it is because of a deeper prayer life, examining my conscious more frequently, and having a greater reliance and trust that God really is in control.

Day to day I walk ,sometimes forward , a few times it seems backwards.  The important thing is that I stand up and act on my belief.  Guess that is what I am learning these days. We all have choices, we can act and do something or we can just stay sitting down.  We can stand and possibly rock the boat or we can sit out of fear or apathy and do nothing.  Really we can all apply this in our lives.  You just have to look inside and see where you are at.  I try to do this daily and then from that point I can take action.

I saw a movie called "For Greater Glory", made me think what would I do, how far would I go to stand up for what I believed in my heart to be true.  I hope I am never put to the test but I pray that if I am that I might stand up not fearing any of the consequences.

I am revisiting some earlier goals.  I continue to write my book although it seems to be evolving into a different story; but isn't that how life is anyways.  I continue to deepen my relationship with God, I feel that He leads me into deeper waters where I will have stay focused on Him.  Again, I feel that I am reaching crossroads where I will have to choose between different paths.  Although exciting, as you know, don't handle change so well at times.

I know I have not said much of anything today.  To you who reads this, I can tell you that you are in my thoughts and in my prayers.  You are in my life for a reason, and I thank God for that.  As I continue on, I hope that you will share in my adventure and excitement for the journey.

And as I have ended these blogs, many time before.  Buen Camino.