Saturday, March 27, 2010


Welcome to week 2, here I am on W2D3 and the best I can say is that I at least finished it. Not at a great pace, not with the best form but I got out there 3 days and did the required 5 minutes warm up, and 20 minutes of repeating 1 1/2 minutes running, and 2 minutes walking with a 5 minutes cool down which I ran part of too.

Well my running seemed like jogging and sometimes I felt I was running in place,but it was cool and I went out and I kept telling myself I was stupid, but I did it.

You know I have found that with the best intentions life seem to get in the way sometimes. You either don't sleep well, or you sleep too much. You have a bad day at work or you have a great day and you want to celebrate. You eat too much or eat too little. You are worried about this or that, stressed about life. Bottom line all things that you can possibly change or not, but things that have to be set aside for a few minutes a day to take care of yourself. I saw all the excuses this week and I feel into their trap. But in the end , I still did what I had to do.

This week coming up, I don't know what it will hold. I don't know if I will go to Week 3 or repeat Week 2; but I know that I will do something. I will be one step closer to my goal, and I will try to enjoy the journey as I go along. Enjoy your journey.

One of my friends, Alex P, shared a quote with me after reading the blog and I was touched enough by it that I decided to add it on here. After getting her permission , she tells me that she found in a very special place; inside the wrapping of a candy bar. I always knew that hidden truths are to be found in unexpected places. Here is the quote written by Anonymous: "ONE'S BEST SUCCESS COMES AFTER ONE'S GREATEST DISAPPOINTMENTS".

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Well here I sit and I completed W1D3 of this new program. I did D2 a couple days ago and I was faster then D1. I actually felt that I could do another day this week. So here I come to D3, I decided to do it with my friend and training partner,Nancy. We met early in the morning downtown in Ft Lauderdale. She really wasn't sure what we were doing, but she has started the same program too. It was cool and we started to run after the 5 minute warm up. Completed the time allocated and felt strong, well at least I was upright.

I look forward to next week. Well i have some trepidation, but it is good that I am concerned , that way I will try that much harder to complete it. The crazier part of the whole morning was that after our training we did a 5K, yes exactly the race we were training for. OK we did not run all of it, but we did 30 seconds running , 1 minute walking for most of the race, and we finished it, Nancy and I in 40:04 with a pace of 12:54 officially. Not to shabby.

One of the best parts of the race was that I got to see a lot of my friends, people that have encouraged me through my ups and downs of this past training. Debbie, terry and Aaron and Luke were there. I ran some of the route with Eddie and Sophia. Got some brown sugar from Audrey. In all it was a great time. I look forward to this season and anticipate great things in the future.

Continue to smile, enjoy the training and take it one day at a time.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

One small step..

One small step for me , one giant leap for my ego. Well I did it. Did what you might ask? Well I started the c25k program. I won't bore you with all the details but basically it i a program that gets you from the couch and no activity to running a 5K in 30 minutes. the program is 9 weeks long. After debating with myself on the pros and cons of it, I decided to challenge myself to at least start and hopefully complete the program.

Well,I decided this yesterday, so I had 24 hours to try to talk myself out of it.All day today I kept telling myself all the bad things: I did not sleep well, I keep worrying about all the things in life I can not change.It is going to be too warm, I will be tired from a day at work, it might rain. I got out of work and I decided that at least I was going to try it. The worse that could happen would be that I would not be able to complete my first day. I came home, changed and headed out the door. I warmed up for 5 minutes and I started into the program. At each turn I kept thinking that my knee was going to start hurting, I was going to be more thirsty then I was. But I came prepared; I had water, I had a knee brace on and I completed my time of 20 minutes and then I cooled down for 5 minutes.

I got home and I felt good that I had accomplished it. And I felt that I would be able to do it all over again in 2 days. Well at least hopefully with less anxiety leading up to it.

I completed W1D1. Don't worry I won't bore you with a daily account of my adventure, just a weekly recap. And I leave you with this thought : it is better to start something and possibly fail then not to start it at all and not know your true potential.

Monday, March 15, 2010

It's another NEW beginning....

Here I go again, and again. It has been a while since I have written on this blog, but as I feel that I am ready to start another chapter in my life, I want to once again chronicle the accomplishments and any low points of this journey.

It has been close to a year I guess since I wrote so I would like to summarize the time away. It was a challenging time where I dealt with frustrations and a major burnout. I over trained and I paid the price because I nearly dreaded each workout and each race. I had a good year in that I felt I continued to touch some peoples' lives as I worked as an assistant coach for FIT, but it was frustrating because I really did not feel I was accomplishing anything for myself. I trained and trained for Goofy and I failed to finish the full marathon so I felt like the whole year was a failure. Thanks to the people in my life such as Drew, Nancy, Barbara and Shari I feel that I learned tons from the experience and will be able to help others too because of it.

So, here I am ready to start. This week I begin the c25k program. I will try to stick with it so that I can grow and challenge myself to accomplish what I thought was beyond my reach. I will train differently and will concentrate on eating right to lose the unnecessary weight. I hope you stay tune so you also can experience the new thrills of this trip.