Saturday, March 27, 2010


Welcome to week 2, here I am on W2D3 and the best I can say is that I at least finished it. Not at a great pace, not with the best form but I got out there 3 days and did the required 5 minutes warm up, and 20 minutes of repeating 1 1/2 minutes running, and 2 minutes walking with a 5 minutes cool down which I ran part of too.

Well my running seemed like jogging and sometimes I felt I was running in place,but it was cool and I went out and I kept telling myself I was stupid, but I did it.

You know I have found that with the best intentions life seem to get in the way sometimes. You either don't sleep well, or you sleep too much. You have a bad day at work or you have a great day and you want to celebrate. You eat too much or eat too little. You are worried about this or that, stressed about life. Bottom line all things that you can possibly change or not, but things that have to be set aside for a few minutes a day to take care of yourself. I saw all the excuses this week and I feel into their trap. But in the end , I still did what I had to do.

This week coming up, I don't know what it will hold. I don't know if I will go to Week 3 or repeat Week 2; but I know that I will do something. I will be one step closer to my goal, and I will try to enjoy the journey as I go along. Enjoy your journey.

One of my friends, Alex P, shared a quote with me after reading the blog and I was touched enough by it that I decided to add it on here. After getting her permission , she tells me that she found in a very special place; inside the wrapping of a candy bar. I always knew that hidden truths are to be found in unexpected places. Here is the quote written by Anonymous: "ONE'S BEST SUCCESS COMES AFTER ONE'S GREATEST DISAPPOINTMENTS".

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