Sunday, March 27, 2011

El Camino

It is often said that the start of 'El Camino' is the first step you take out of your doorway. I have come to realize that every training session this past year , every marathon , every half marathon was leading up to the day that I first step on that sacred passage in Spain.

Sacred you might ask? Why? I think it is sacred because of the countless people that for whatever reasons have done that walk during the past centuries. A walk that has been shaped and carved into the ground by believers, nonbelievers, any one brave enough and maybe ignorant enough to start the journey. A journey that will give answers to your questions, or possibly just give you sore feet and a weariness to your body.

During this past year as I trained physically I was just building endurance and speed. Well for 'el camino' you need endurance but necessarily speed. These past few weeks I have started to learn to slow my pace. To be open to my environment not only in the physical realm but the spiritual as well. Today as I walked , with a stick in hand I am happy to report that my pace slowed to almost a 19 minute mile, for those that know me you know how difficult that has to have been,I am a fast walker.

Am I excited? yes, but it is a type of peaceful expectation. This is not a vacation, this is part of my spiritual journey and growth. Know that I will be praying for each of you on this journey. I hope that where ever you are in your walk, may it bring you closer to what you seek. Buen camino.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

This is a test to see if I can post from my iPhone. This is only a test so I can use this feature while on vacation.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A time to contemplate, a time to reevaluate.....

Can you feel it in the air? The times they are a changing again. I know it is easier when you are up north and the miserable, cold, wet winter is gnawing at you, and you begin to sense the change. the days are getting longer, the days are not as bleak. It is a time of renewal, a time of rebirth. Spring is upon us and lent is just about to begin.

What a perfect time , to sit back, recalculate , reevaluate our journey , this pilgrimage we are all on. I have decided to take the time, to set myself apart as best as I can to see where I am headed. Is it where I want to be and go, or am I really being open to the guidance and promptings of God through His Holy Spirit. I have at times during this past year felt that I am at a cross roads , a pivotal point in my life, and I feel that I am quickly approaching one now.

So I take time , to look , to listen to pray and to be open. In less then a month. I start the walk of St James, the camino in northern Spain. know it will be life changing because even if there is no major revelation, I will have many stories to tell and share with you all. Until then, until I start writing from Spain, I will be silent. I will sit and listen to the gentle whisper , the stirrings in my heart.

Peace to all.