Sunday, March 27, 2011

El Camino

It is often said that the start of 'El Camino' is the first step you take out of your doorway. I have come to realize that every training session this past year , every marathon , every half marathon was leading up to the day that I first step on that sacred passage in Spain.

Sacred you might ask? Why? I think it is sacred because of the countless people that for whatever reasons have done that walk during the past centuries. A walk that has been shaped and carved into the ground by believers, nonbelievers, any one brave enough and maybe ignorant enough to start the journey. A journey that will give answers to your questions, or possibly just give you sore feet and a weariness to your body.

During this past year as I trained physically I was just building endurance and speed. Well for 'el camino' you need endurance but necessarily speed. These past few weeks I have started to learn to slow my pace. To be open to my environment not only in the physical realm but the spiritual as well. Today as I walked , with a stick in hand I am happy to report that my pace slowed to almost a 19 minute mile, for those that know me you know how difficult that has to have been,I am a fast walker.

Am I excited? yes, but it is a type of peaceful expectation. This is not a vacation, this is part of my spiritual journey and growth. Know that I will be praying for each of you on this journey. I hope that where ever you are in your walk, may it bring you closer to what you seek. Buen camino.

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