Sunday, August 1, 2010

Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning......

The times, they are a changing. I can feel it in the air, or at least in the stillness of the morning. The sky is an eerie red when the sun rises for the last couple of days. the new month has dawn. There are changes on the horizon, I can feel them, there is new excitement in the air.

Well I have finalized my plans for the new season. I will do the Space coast full marathon and the Disney full marathon in January, with several half marathons in between. It will be an exciting time but it will not have any undue pressures. My target goals are well within easy reach, as long as I spend the time training both mentally and physically for them.

Speaking about goals, I would like to share something here given to me by Shari and developed by Raymond Aaron. It is the MTO method of goal setting. I have started to do it for a couple of weeks now and have actually come up with an elaborate plan of setting goals in all aspects of my life for the month of August. MTO stands for minimum, target, and outrageous. So in one area of your life you set a minimum , a target and an outrageous goal. The minimum should be easy to attain so you will almost always reach that one, with target setting your limits a bit higher and then the outrageous being just that. As the time continues you find yourself attaining more of the target and even some of the outrageous ones, so that is when you reevaluate and set new parameters. Like I said I have been doing it for a few weeks now and am excited to see how many goals I can accomplish. After this month I will be setting more long term ones. I will keep you posted.

Two other aspects I will update you on , the spiritual program Barbara F and I were working on , got approved by our church and so hopefully will soon be embarking on that journey with others at St Gregory. Also I have started to write a novel. Yes, being inspired by Alex P., I ,too, have started to put some thoughts down. Maybe some day Alex we will share a booth in the Miami Book fair.

So you see times they are a changing, new frontiers are coming to the foreground, ready to be conquered. As I continue to go through the journey, I thank each one of you that share it with me , I thank you for your love and support.

Until we meet again, I carry you in my heart.....

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