Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How much do you want to know?

Yes, it has been a while since I wrote anything. maybe someone reads this, maybe no body does, but I enjoy writing about my experiences in training and now lately it seems in life.

How much do you really want to know about these past weeks and months. I feel I am not training as I should because I don't feel I am making much progress. I have been going out and walking at least three times per week for about 5.3 miles each time and I go out with FIT on Saturdays and do 20/50 intervals. I am trying to decide what races I will be doing this coming year, along with how I will train to best accomplish my goals.

I guess what has taken the most energy in my life has been my mom's total right knee replacement. Although it all turned out well, she is 90 years old and so has taken a lot of my time to help her as she went from hospital, recovery room and now to her home. Soon, it will all be over and she will be recovered, and I will be happy that I was able to help and get her back to her normal life.

Another part that I will touch on , is the changes that I have set into place in my life. It seems that there is constant change all around me, and I am now trying to orchestrate this change into a more productive , stress free life styles. You know so many time addictions and addictive personalities come into play and so the best way to handle it all is "one day at a time". I am glad that God takes care of me , and I am learning to let go and let God by concentrating more on myself, on how I can improve my journey with the Lord. I have started a 34 week retreat, might share some of the highlights as I journey through. I am reassessing my life, I have had to let go of some of my baggage, including some things that although very important were not good for me.

Well that is enough for now. I will explain the symbol that opens this blog at a later date. Just let it take you to a different place, let the journey begin....

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