Sunday, June 20, 2010


This past week has been more of an unusual week for me, and that is saying a lot because I have come to accept that things are not "normal" in my life. I know I started this blog as a forum to describe and keep you inform on how may training develops during the months and years that I write. My training usually was in regards to getting healthier, training for a marathon, half marathon or a combination of these.

Well on that front training is going well. It is extremely hot here in south Florida this year so I have come to accept that my training will be hampered but that fact but I still train. I still go out between three to four times a week, and do about 15-22 miles per week. I sometimes hate it, I question myself why I am doing it, but I still know that since I am building endurance I get out there.

Although I will still use this to chronicle my training for the upcoming marathons this year and the beginning of next; I will also use this blog to share how I am training for life in general. As I eluded to in the last entry, I feel that I am at a possible crossroads in my life. I have started a retreat with Barbara and hopefully others in our church to explore and deepen our spiritual life. I will want to share some of those experiences on here. The culmination to all of it will the journey and pilgrimage on El Camino, the pilgrimage that many have made in the northern slopes of Spain, ending at Santiago de Compostela.

So you see this will be a busy blog in the coming weeks and month. I hope that as I share these different aspects of training that it will lead you to explore what needs to change in your life, and that you be given the impetus to start on your personal journey too. so take time, walk with me for a while....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing. I love reading your blog!
