Thursday, December 30, 2010


I know what you must be thinking by now,I haven't seen anything written for months and now it's only been two days and he has another entry. What is going on? Well, let me tell you I think this is an extremely important time in our lives. I love the holidays, but there is nothing like a new year just about to open up for us, it is a very special time, where you feel like a new beginning, a fresh start to your life.\

I take this moment and look at my past year's adventures, trials and accomplishments. I believe in setting new year's resolutions, not because I intend to give up on them but as a challenge to try to better myself. Last year, I came up with 7 resolutions, I was able to keep four and a half of them. Think those are good odds, at least for me. In a few days I will post my 2011 resolutions here, and I invite you to share some of yours too. Maybe this way we can be more accountable and have a higher success rate.

When the Spanish conquistadors came to conquer Mexico, after many months at sea; their captain asked them on the beach...are you ready to go into battle. And of course they said, YES. Three times they were asked the same thing and three times they excitedly said YES. Then he said, OK you are willing to stay and fight, then before you do burn the ships. See this is my advice to you today, before you start out on this new year, look at all the things that will make you look back and reconsider those resolutions. Anything that will make it easy not to get healthier, or wiser, or better, or just feel better of yourself as a person. Get rid of it before you wake up the morning of January 1. You only have one way out of this year, of this life and it is to go forwards. Arm yourself wisely for the trip, surround yourself with the ones that love and will help you along the way. OK, now you are saying, enough. Well it is enough, I have to start looking at the pieces of my ships that I am trying to glue together. See, I have burned them once before, now I have to finish the job and get rid of the splinters.

Once I again,I wish you a healthy, joyful NEW YEAR.

1 comment:

barbara said...

Wow! Great job at explaining the ship burning. Those around you will certainly be there to support and inspire as you have done for us. I'm working on what I have to burn. I like your splinter analogy, you're right, we tend to revisit those areas of our lives that just need to go away. I'm ready for the challenge. Thanks for taking the lead.