Thursday, April 7, 2011

Is this like Vegas? What is said in 'el camino' stays there, I think not....

Today might be Day 4 or 5 but yesterday completed the first full day of walking towards Santiago. It was a hard day, maybe the altitudes, lack of sleeping at Home or climbing hills for whatever reason it was hard. We left the village of Ociebero. Imagine a village of hobbits or smurfs and you are there, except the houses were not mushrooms. It also a place where legend says the Holy Grail was kept for many years and where a miracle with holy communion occurred and that is still there. A very holy , enchanted place indeed. And then we started to climb and climb. We reach the pass of San Roque. Then we went down , and then up and up until we reached the highest point in Galicia , meters mean nothing to me so I won't bore you with the numbers see Facebook for the picture. After we had a recovery drink called Aquarius with Alex it was off to a Hamlet where this is an old lady that hears you come and make crepes and as you pass she has them there for you , her name is Carmen . I gave her a rosary and she gave me a special blessing. The scenery is beautiful and it all males you feel how insignificant you could really be if you are not focused on , like me, following the Will of God. There is a certain smell to this walk for this day it seemed it was of simple cow manure. More to come. Buen camino.

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